Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Socialist's "End Move"

I still find it both funny and saddening that even today, after centuries of watching socialist systems such as the Soviet Union and China fail miserable and seeing free markets prosper in places such as the United States (for the most part) and Hong Kong, people still do not see the evidence against planned economies and societies. I was just watching a YouTube video of an interview with Bob Beckel where he asked, "What is wrong with socialism?" I was taking a drink of water at the time and snorted.

Aside from the logical argument that competition, not government intervention, drives the economy and the historical evidence of the aformentioned nations, the main problem I have with socialism what has been called its "end move". When someone does not want to participate in the system by having their money taken away in return for devalued government projects, what does the state do? It puts a gun to the objector's head and says, "tough". Coercion is the central aspect of socialism. And that is why I oppose it.

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